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Is Collaborative Divorce the same as Mediation?

  Posted in Divorce

No. In mediation, the mediator facilitates negotiations, but doesn’t represent either spouse, can’t give legal advice, and can’t be an advocate for either spouse. In a Collaborative Divorce, each spouse hires a lawyer (and sometimes mental health and financial professionals) to represent him or her during the process, but with settlement as the goal. Their job is to work together […]

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What is the law on cell phone use while driving?

  Posted in Accidents

No specific restrictions are in place yet. In 2002, Oklahoma legislators passed a law taking control of this area. This prevents cities from passing local ordinances more restrictive than state law. Data suggests such laws are merited and other states are placing restrictions on cell phone use while driving. According to a recent NHTSA study, almost 80% of crashes involved […]

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What are the legal requirements for riding a bicycle at night in Oklahoma?

  Posted in Accidents

Lights must be used if you are riding on a roadway with a speed limit over 25 mph. Like a motor vehicle, they must be used from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise, or whenever other vehicles are not clearly visible at a distance of 1,000 feet. Front lamps must be white and rear lamps must be […]

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What’s the law on pedestrians in crosswalks?

  Posted in Accidents

In Oklahoma pedestrians must cross streets at crosswalks or intersections. A driver must yield the right-of-way when a pedestrian is within a crosswalk and upon the same half of the road as the driver or when the pedestrian is approaching closely from the other side of the road. If a vehicle is stopped at a crosswalk, a driver approaching the […]

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